Recommended Dosage:
For skin brightening, it is recommended to have IV infusions twice a week in the first month in order to get the full benefit. After this period, infusions can be done weekly until your desired skin tone and results are achieved. Thereafter, one session every month to maintain results.
Duration of intake for Skin Whitening:
Medium brown: 1-3 months
Dark brown skin: 3-6 months
Very dark skin: 6-12 months.
Black skin: at least 2 years or even more
Once a person has her desired skin color, the maintenance dose is administered daily. Glutathione is not only great for skin brightening but for skin repair from tears, cuts as well as bruises . Glutathione has remarkable effects on the immune system and memory function.
Glutathione and Vitamin C:
A person taking L glutathione should take Vitamin C two times more than the dose of L Glutathione. Why is Vitamin C needed? This is to keep L Glutathione in its absorbable or reduced form.
This will release the potential of Vitamin C s derivatives whitening properties.
L Glutathione has no known side effects or interactions even if given orally in prolonged use aside from decreased Zinc levels, which Dr Sandy has cleverly made provision for .
One weekly IV drip Glutathione unit desired skin tone is achieved there after maintenance drips are required. Twice daily application of Glutathione cream.
Daily intake of Glutathione tablets.