How Derma-Planning works:
Derma-planning is a favorite in the entertainment industry, specifically among models and actresses. Why? It also eliminates that annoying peach fuzz that cakes up in makeup and can be enhanced by harsh production lighting and high-definition cameras.
Derma-planning also allows for greater penetration of skincare products and creates a flawless canvas for makeup to glide on smoothly. In fact, cosmetic dermatologists and aestheticians often use Derma-planning to help prepare skin for more intrusive procedures such as laser treatments and chemical peels.
What you need to know:
Derma-Planning is a super effective exfoliating treatment in which a trained aesthetician uses a surgical scalpel to gently scrape off any dead skin cells on the surface of your skin and (along with the peach fuzz on your face).
First, the aesthetician will cleanse and thoroughly dry your skin and then she will proceed with Derma-Planning. Once complete, aesthetician will offer different serums which your skin will soak up.
Derma-Planning is particularly helpful because the build-up of dead skin and microscopic hairs can make your complexion appear dull, flaky, and can even cause breakouts due to clogged pores and hair follicles. Which is why this form of mechanical exfoliation is essential for maintaining an even, healthy glow.
Derma-Planning and Microdermabrasion are both forms of physical exfoliation, but the methods are very different. Microdermabrasion sands and suctions dead skin cells, which also helps to uproot clogged pores around the nose, mouth and chin. Derma-Planning safely scrapes off the top layer of skin, so it is well suited for drier skin types and anyone who wants to get rid of peach fuzz. But, keep in mind, both methods are good for almost everyone, it could just boil down to your personal preference. Derma-Planning does not remove peach fuzz permanently.
Treatment benefits include:
• Safe procedure for removing dead skin cells
• Provides deeper product penetration
• Promotes smoother, supple and vibrant skin
• Removes soft facial hair that traps dirt and oils
• Reduces the appearance of acne scars
• Diminishes the look of fine lines
• It creates a flawless canvas for makeup application
• Works on all skin types
• Instant results and no downtime
What is the technique?
This technique is safely performed by using a specialized sterile surgical instrument. Its painless procedure and can be compared to the sensation of shaving your legs, but in this case, it’s on your face. First, the aesthetician will cleanse and thoroughly dry your skin. Next, she’ll pull an area of your skin taut with one hand, and hold a sterile blade at a 45 degree angle in the other hand and use short, swift strokes to scrape off dead skin cells and peach fuzz.
Is it safe?
Derma-Planning is extremely safe when performed by a professionally trained aesthetician utilizing the correct tools and techniques.
What are the immediate effects?
There are no side effects and zero downtime. After the treatment, your skin will be highly sensitive to sun exposure and may already look very pink, so be sure to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation.